Friday, January 13, 2012

From Dream to Reality

Imagine you go through a gate and what you do not know is that there is an invisible wired fence you just walked through.

In reality that fence sifted out anything negative in your life, negative emotions, negative memories, negative thoughts, even negative people or circumstances.

When you get to the other side, all you have left is positive!

Pure positivity!

Imagine how your life would be!

It is like a dream come true!

Do you know that it is possible just by the choices we make every day to have a life like that?

Yes bad things happen, but it is in how you choose to deal with it that peace lies.

Are we sometimes allowing ourselves to be defined by the negatives in our lives instead of the positives?

What if you focus on the positive, on what is right?

With the attitude of gratitude say thank you for your gifts, talents and abilities and expand and develop them.

Suddenly you will enjoy success and those negatives become a distant memory that you once learned a lesson from and not a drama that you live.