Tuesday, August 7, 2018

I'm Back!

I’m back…

After 5 years of absence and some interesting life experiences, I have decided that it is time to put all my inspired thoughts on paper again.

In the last 5 years, I have learned:
·       True Love exists.
·       The Law of Attraction works.
·       Never say never.
·       Cancer is not a death sentence.
·       Forgiveness is HUGE in moving forward.
·       Living in a state of constant positive vibrations is not only possible, but necessary in living a fulfilled life.
·       How to make my ultimate dream a reality.

My journey to self love started in 2010 and I am still learning every day.  I used to self sacrifice for relationships and got burned every time, and I am not just talking about romantic relationships, but also friendships and family.
I used to be so worried that I will lose people, that I have in the process of “keeping” them in my life, sacrificed myself.
In 2012, I did however start to say positive affirmations every night before going to bed about attracting my true love.
I made lists of what this relationship would look like, and I said over and over again that this person would add to my life as much as I will add to his.
I also determined that being alone was much better than being in a bad relationship.

It did not take very long before it happened, and 6 years later, happily married and feeling as if I have won the man-lottery, I am a huge advocate of putting it out there and being specific about what you want.  I am a living example.

In comparison with the train wrecks I have been on, as far as relationships goes, I could not be happier.  When my husband and I have our daily long conversations and I realize that he truly and honestly sees ME, gets ME and still loves me, I know that it was all worth it.

In the same breath, I am a living example of how the Law of Attraction works.  My romantic life was but a small speck of a much bigger picture, which I intend to share with you over a period of time.

Next time, I will tell you about my fall from grace with “never say never” and cancer is not a death sentence.

Thank you for reading.
