Thursday, December 1, 2011


From floating to anchored.
From lack to abundance.
From limitation to freedom.
Because the WANT was so strong!
It outweighed every other emotion.
Back against the wall for the very last time!

Desire is a strong driving force.
If it is desire to be the best that you can be,
To succeed, it is stronger than any other.
If negative emotions like lack of deserve-ability, self-pity,
Doubt in yourself, a lack of trust and misplaced love
Is stronger than the desire to succeed,
You quit, give up and beat yourself up for failing.
Then desire is but a foggy dream,
It bears no energy and no fruit.

If desire is so strong that it makes a difference,
It has a faithful companion:

How many talk the right language,
But never put it into action?
When you take the steps,
Make the decisions,
Follow through…
 Miracles happen!

It does not fall in your lap,
You choose it.
It is so simple, yet so profound…
So very few ever GETS it!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Journey

If in my life-journey I am a car.
I imagine myself being fueled by positivity.

Whenever I allow the negatives in, I go on a detour, stall or go completely off track.
But when I only allow positives in, I go forward toward my destination at the pace that I should.

Therefore, when I experience just like everybody else, how life happens, how people around me choose to live their lives, or when all those things we do not have control over happen, I do not allow it to negatively influence where I am going and at what pace I am moving.

I do not allow all those outside elements to pollute the fuel in my life.

Now people comment on how good things are working out for me, and I know just why.

For the first time in my life I sit back and say: “Wow, I must have done something right.” 

Not too long ago my question was: “What have I done wrong?”

It works, try it!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pure Positive Energy

A “wow” moment, an awareness,
An antidote...
For tiredness, for complacency,
A passion, a liveliness,
A well kept secret…

If we all choose to be positive,
Imagine the difference.
In traffic, or at work, and home,
In relationships…
What if we reach all our goals?
Or have the energy to be the best we can be?
What if a problem suddenly becomes a solution?
Or that mountain in front of you seems like an anthill?
What if we stop just for one day to complain?
Or feel sorry for ourselves?
What if we see the choices God gives us every day?
Instead of day after day choose the second best...
Because we do not feel good enough,
We now choose from a place of power,
Because just this once, we allow ourselves to know:

I am good enough,
I am worthy,
I am loved!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


So many times in my life I’ve heard people say that you first have to learn to be alone to be complete. 
I always said to myself:  Yea, yea, I know that and I can easily be alone.
However, in the last year I have been tested in that, and I am so thankful to be able to say today that I absolutely LOVE to be by myself.
I have learned to accept who I am and who God intended me to be.
I do not have to create the illusion that I am ok anymore, because I can truthfully say and live that I am ok, I am more than ok!
I have learned to love myself in a way I always expected to be loved by others.
I have learned that the true meaning of a soul mate is to have a true love an understanding of myself first.
I have learned in order to be loved by and give love to others, I had to learn to love myself first.

We learn from and early age to “love our neighbors as we love ourselves.” 
But what if we do not really love ourselves?
We are conditioned to look for love at all the wrong places, and the result is heartache and pain.
A year ago my life was plagued with “why’s” and self pity.  I was a victim and felt so sorry for myself.
Today I have victory.  I am living a life of excellence and love to be me. 
I do not envy other people anymore or wish that I could be like them.
Instead, I thank God every day for making me “fearfully and wonderfully”.
Whenever I have a problem, I look inside myself first.
I enjoy me, I enjoy life, I enjoy living.
I am Whole!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The Foundation is solid, 
Unmovable, perfect, everlasting…
Brick by brick I attempted to build my life on it.
Through many struggles and pain, I did it in vain,
Allowed people to side-track me, to steal my gain…
When I looked at my labor, 
Everything was out of alignment. 
No clean structure – a mess.
I had to go back and start over and over again. 
Trying to pin point the weak spots, 
The wrong, deception, and so much more.
I tried to remove only those and build again, 
But the results were always the same.
I kept on looking at other people to rescue me, to build it for me.
Time and time again I was hurt.
It was never their job! 
It is mine!

Then one glorious day, I wiped it all off.
No fear was big enough to hold me back anymore...
It was clean, naked, just me and the Foundation.
We became One, United.
With everything else gone, no more distractions, 
We started conversations.
This new, beautiful relationship was formed.
I realized that freedom from distractions 
Provided the opportunity to focus on what is real, 
What is crucial, what is future…
I learned to love me and see myself the way the Foundation saw me.

Now I do not build anymore…
WE do!
Together, harmoniously in unity.
No more outsiders are allowed to influence my journey, my progress. 
They are welcome to visit, but not to be part of the structure.
Brick by brick WE build.
I look and I see perfection, strength, destiny, 

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Butterfly Miracle

In April 2010 I took a busload full of seniors down to Las Vegas, all the way from Calgary.
Just off the bus on our return home, one of the ladies, Gerda, came to me very upset.  She has lost her butterfly broach, something very dear and valuable that she always carries with her.  The last time she saw it was before we left Helena that morning. We search the bus and when we did not find it, I contacted the tour operator, in case something turns up.  They had their cleaners scan the bus thoroughly, but did not find anything. I posted a notice on the board at our centre, and also put a note in the next newsletter.  Nothing turned up.

It was eight months later, when Gerda met up with her brother and sister-in-law.  At some point she noticed a similar broach on her sister-in-law’s clothing and told her that she has lost one exactly like it on our bus trip.  She said that the last time she saw it was that morning at the hotel in Helena. 
Shocked, her sister-in-law told her that she picked this broach up off the lawn outside the very same hotel when her and Gerda’s brother went on a different bus trip a while after ours.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Gift

I received a gift,
Wrapped in pretty paper,
Decorated with a colorful ribbon.
It caught me completely by surprise.
For a while I just stood in admiration
Of the beautiful package,
The tremendous care that was taken
To make it so beautiful.

Then carefully I open it,
I gasp for air as I see the contents…
Not just one, but many…

Slowly I take a good look at each one…
With thankfulness I marvel at how much I have.
Carefully I unpack them.
I see the note…

“What are you choosing to do with each of these?”

I realized:
Every gift will be left unopened,
Unless we choose,
Make a decision to use it.
Only when it is out of the box,
Accepted, Applied
Will it mature, blossom...

The true gift is choice!

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Tribute

Johan Meiring
October 27, 1948 - January 6, 2011
In human form you suffered.
Everything this life has offered,
Caused you so much pain,
But none of it was in vain.
A soul so pure, a heart so bright,
Was sculpted through every fight.
Many laughs we shared,
You were one who really cared.
Coffee, “real coffee” bonded us,
“It’s time” answered by an enthusiastic “yes” and thumbs up.
You never missed a song,
Sometimes even singing along.
But you needed to go, to be free…
To be the Angel you were really meant to be,
Where you are free from pain,
Where you are God’s gain.
Today I feel you in my heart,
Where you and I will never again be apart.