Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Journey

If in my life-journey I am a car.
I imagine myself being fueled by positivity.

Whenever I allow the negatives in, I go on a detour, stall or go completely off track.
But when I only allow positives in, I go forward toward my destination at the pace that I should.

Therefore, when I experience just like everybody else, how life happens, how people around me choose to live their lives, or when all those things we do not have control over happen, I do not allow it to negatively influence where I am going and at what pace I am moving.

I do not allow all those outside elements to pollute the fuel in my life.

Now people comment on how good things are working out for me, and I know just why.

For the first time in my life I sit back and say: “Wow, I must have done something right.” 

Not too long ago my question was: “What have I done wrong?”

It works, try it!

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